Saturday, September 24, 2005

Same old thing

I'm tired of the same old thing... "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." This is very true, but somehow it's just not getting into our (collective) "heads" in the church. We think that by doing the same thing and saying it the same way we're going to see drastic increase and dramatic life change, but there are people walking away everyday because of the system and formula that we place the Gospel in. Helllllllooooo. . . the Gospel confounds our very formulas and the systems we are so content to keep. It blows everything away that makes sense to us, yet it works, and that is the real difference and distinguishing of a Christian. A true life marked (and YES, even marred) by the image of Christ; a very ordinary and even unimpressive life intersected with the Divine- this is what history books are written about. There is nothing more important than Jesus- that's the main thing. Let's awaken from our comfortable, safe and cautious slumber to the true call and cost of discipleship.

1 comment:

Heather of the EO said...

Another comment from random stranger from MN. I love this post. Thank you again.