Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vitally United

The Amplified Bible uses these words: VITALLY UNITED in John 15 referencing our relationship with God and the necessity of "abiding in Him." The words "vitally united" really stick out to me because it makes crystal-clear my need for Jesus. Apart from Him, not only can I accomplish, be and do nothing, but I am essentially dead. Even when I depart from Him and consider Him cruel for just moments, I can feel the desperation in my spirit and how unfulfilling and just unlively life feels.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This is Faith.

This is faith.

I cannot tell you why I always think that I need everything wrapped up in a bow
I cannot tell you why I alway think that I need to know the outcome when I don't
Because sometimes there is no resolve- no quick and painless closure
And I guess the world will still revolve with this weight upon my shoulders
But God is not daunted by unresolved things, He sees the loose ends and only He brings me together again
I may never understand it, on this side of Heaven
Why one dream of mine had to die for another to be given
Someday my heart will be healed, someday the mystery revealed
But until then, today, this is faith.

© Jana 2008