Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vitally United

The Amplified Bible uses these words: VITALLY UNITED in John 15 referencing our relationship with God and the necessity of "abiding in Him." The words "vitally united" really stick out to me because it makes crystal-clear my need for Jesus. Apart from Him, not only can I accomplish, be and do nothing, but I am essentially dead. Even when I depart from Him and consider Him cruel for just moments, I can feel the desperation in my spirit and how unfulfilling and just unlively life feels.


Anonymous said...

When you are down this way, I would love to meet you!!! I love your words :0)

Heather of the EO said...

Came across your blog through a comment you made on Stuff Christians Like (which is such a hoot). I like the way you think. Thank you for your honesty. I love how the internet can be used to connect Christians. Your words were a blessing to me today.
Heather from Minnesota.