Friday, August 29, 2008

Rockstar Status? Part 4

So, how do we really change these things? How do we prevent these things from happening, and how do we respond healthily when they do? I think some places to start are to:
1. Create accountability structures. I’m not talking about “boy’s club” accountability with the snickers and pats on the back and “oh it’s no big deal”, but I’m talking about all of us having friends, colleagues and leaders who we can be our authentic selves with. I think we need to be able to actually talk about what’s really going on in our lives and not live paralyzed with fear of being figured out. I think we need to be able to wrestle with things that are difficult and “hush-hush” and actually be able to hash them out, instead of just talking about talking about things. . . someday. 
2. Promote grace. I think we should be lavish, extravagant and radical with the grace we give and open and loving with grace and couple it with TRUTH. I think we should start with grace and give people permission to make mistakes as they’re starting out, so they don’t think they’re infallible (or that their mentors and leaders think they’re infallible themselves), and learn how to deal with disappointments and conflict.
3. Prioritize. It’s not “me and my ministry first.” I honestly believe it should be God first, marriage relationship second, family next, and then ministry. If the hype and busyness of ministry are keeping us from the essential relationship with Christ Himself and from the relationship of marriage (if you are married), then our priorities must be immediately realigned. Take a personal retreat, go on a romantic getaway, talk with mentors and friends (tell them what is going on), go see a counselor (if you aren’t already) and cry out for wisdom (you won’t be denied!).
4. Walk In The Light. Some examples: tell your story, have a group to support you, have others share their stories of struggle and God’s faithfulness publicly, remind yourself that you have feet of clay.
5. Forgive. Work on forgiving other people who you know have been contributors to your brokenness. Remember that God is a God of restoration, repair and reconciliation. Pray for forgiveness from others, and ask for God’s forgiveness and help to be transformed. None of us are good at being Christlike when left to our own defenses; if it’s difficult to repent, pray for conviction and the Holy Spirit to give remorse to the heart, in order that we may start again and turn around.
6. Cling to the Source. I don’t want to go a day without asking for God’s available new mercies, and I don’t want to take them for granted. God is the Source of my life, and I don’t want to forget that He is my Maker, the Creator of my dreams and the Deliverer of them and me. I can sometimes get away with going spurts of time without clinging to Jesus, and I always end up as someone I don’t want to be—restless, empty, tired, looking for cheap substitutes for the most vital relationship and connection I have, the connection with Jesus. I need to have patience and trust God as the ultimate promoter in whichever way He chooses and pleases. I don’t need to look around every corner for approval and attention and love, God is my affirmation and if that isn’t enough for me I need Him to remind me and help (pretty much all the time).

Blessings! My prayers and love are with all of you. May we walk forward in humility and God’s strength, not our own.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Hear, hear!!! Excellent!! Truth well-spoken, beloved!